Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Old Fashion Cooking

Old Fashion Cooking

I remember when I was growing up how my Great Aunt loved to cook. I used stand in the kitchen talking with her and watching her and asking questions like, "how did you learn to cook so good.." and then listening to her stories of how she learned to cook from HER mother while growing up during the depression.

My Great Aunt passed allot of her knowledge onto me and today I still LOVE to cook the old fashion, making everything from scratch using very little if any store bought ingredients. In my eyes she was the best cook around.

Now my Grandmother, the canning conesiuer in the family, taught me a few things as well, like the proper temprature at which to cook a Thanksgiving Turkey, and how to can tomatoes and make my own Jams and Jellies. She too, learned to cook from her mother as a child during the great Depression.

I plan on, in this blog, to share with you some of the recipes and ways to cook that I have learned from my Great Aunt and Grandmother. I hope you will visit often to check out what's new.

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